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Vezgo Updates: Vezgo Portal, Binance, Coinbase and More Fixes 

We're been working on lots of improvements and experimenting with some…

xpub address
Tracking a Bitcoin xPub Address or Ledger xPub key using Vezgo

Fintech developers looking to enable users to track their xPub, and…

Vezgo Updates
Vezgo Updates: Vezgo Connect, Binance, GoPeer and More Fixes 

We're been working on lots of improvements and experimenting with some…

Vezgo Updates: Connect, Binance, Coinbase and More Fixes

What's new on Vezgo this week? Vezgo Connect UI Refinements (iFrame…

Vezgo Connect: New Dark Theme and 1 Additional Connect Flow Option.

This week, the Vezgo Connect Flow got an upgrade. We released…

Vezgo Updates
Vezgo Updates: Binance and Bitfinex fixes + Major engine improvements.

What's new on Vezgo this week? Added support for purchases or…

Bitvavo API, WazirX API, New Integrations
Vezgo Update: Bitvavo, WazirX + 9 New Exchange API Integrations

Vezgo added 11 new Exchange API Integrations brining our the total…


Hello, we're a team of fintech developers on a mission to make life easier for app builders. Our nifty APIs are designed to help you effortlessly link up users with their digital assets

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