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WebSockets In Crypto: Real-Time Data Streaming

Are you a crypto enthusiast, perhaps a trader or developer, looking to stay ahead of the market? You know that every second counts when it bores down to crypto, and you must be able to access data in real-time if you want to avoid missing opportunities and succeed in trade. Perhaps, you have worked with APIs before and found them useful. However, you now need something faster, more efficient, and more responsive. This is where WebSockets come into play in the world of crypto.

Websockets in crypto are a communication protocol that maintains network connection and allows the seamless flow of real-time, two-way communication between your browser, which is the client, and the server. While traditional APIs function on a request-response basis, WebSockets ensure that there is a constant connection between your system and the server. This enables your browser to get instant updates from the server without having to make new requests each time there is a need for new information. Websockets are a game changer in the crypto space, where time is always of the essence.

Limitations of Traditional APIs

Limitations of Traditional APIs

You may already be familiar with RESTful APIs, which are commonly used to interact with crypto exchanges. These APIs operate on a polling mechanism. The client sends an HTTP request to the server, and the server responds with the latest data. This model may scale for many applications that require data updates, but it falls short in crypto, where continuous updating of the latest data is paramount in decision-making.

For instance, imagine that you are tracking the price of Litecoin across an array of exchanges or trading platforms. With a RESTful API, you would need to make requests to each exchange constantly to check for the latest price updates. This method consumes bandwidth and increases latency. By the time you get a response from the exchange, the price may have shifted, leaving you with outdated information. What is worse is that the more frequently you poll, the more strain you put on the server and your own device.

This is where WebSockets in crypto triumph. They offer a solution by keeping a persistent connection open, allowing you to always receive updates from multiple exchanges in real-time without having to make requests every time. Once there is an established connection between the client and the server, the server automatically pushes new information to you, allowing you to make better-informed decisions based on accurate data.

How WebSockets Work?

How WebSockets Work

Now let us look at how WebSockets achieve the goal of creating a constantly open connection between the client and the server for continuous data streaming. The process starts when the client sends an initial request to the server. The request uses HTTP, which is a standard for making API calls. However, alongside the request is a special upgrade header that asks the server to switch the connection to a WebSocket protocol. As soon as the server agrees to this request, the connection is upgraded from HTTP to WebSocket. This connection remains open, allowing for continuous two-way communication between the client and the server. By implication, the two parties can now send and receive messages in real time without closing the connection after each message.

Once established, the connection allows the server to begin pushing data to the client as soon as there is a new update. The client can get notifications for a diverse range of events, including price changes, new orders, trade executions, and much more. Since it is possible for bi-directional communication with WebSockets, the client can also send messages to the server when needed, making it a true two-way interaction. When you no longer need the data, or you want to disconnect, you can easily close the connection. This terminates the WebSocket connection cleanly. As a result, this frees up resources on both ends of the connection for use in another situation.

Websockets and Scalability

WebSockets offer simplified scalability in crypto. Consider, for instance, that you run a high-traffic crypto website or application where several thousands of users constantly track price movements at the same time. Using a Restful API will require that you need to process thousands of requests per minute. This puts an enormous strain on your servers. However, with WebSockets, all you need is a single, extensive connection for each user. This dramatically reduces the overhead and complexities that come with managing real-time updates for large user bases.

Furthermore, WebSockets adds an extra layer of flexibility by handling user subscriptions to other channels, such as trade executions, market summaries, and news alerts, in addition to the primary price updates that it delivers. This flexibility allows you to scale your application easily without worrying about server overload.

Limitations of WebSockets in Crypto

Limitations of WebSockets in Crypto

So far, we have discussed some of Websockets’ benefits in crypto. However, WebSockets have some limitations in their application. Let us consider some of them.

1. Connection Stability

One of the challenges of using WebSockets in crypto is managing connection stability. Because the connection is persistent, any network disruption, whether from the client or server, can interrupt the data flow. In volatile markets, even brief downtimes can lead to missed updates or delayed actions, which might have serious consequences for trading or portfolio management. You need to implement reconnection mechanisms and continuously monitor the connection status to ensure that your system stays synced with the server. This adds an additional layer of complexity to your development process, as maintaining a stable connection is essential for real-time data streaming.

2. Security Concerns

WebSockets in crypto are powerful, but they also open up potential security vulnerabilities. Because of the continuous data stream, it’s vital to implement robust encryption and authentication measures to safeguard the connection. Without proper security protocols like WSS (WebSocket Secure), you risk exposing sensitive information, such as user credentials or trading strategies, to malicious actors. In the crypto space, where security is paramount, ensuring that data transmissions are secure is critical. You’ll also need to be mindful of attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) that can target persistent WebSocket connections and cause outages or data breaches.

3. Overhead for Simple Tasks

While WebSockets in crypto are ideal for real-time, high-frequency data streams, they might be overkill for simpler tasks. Not every interaction with a server requires a persistent connection, and in some cases, using WebSockets could add unnecessary complexity. If you only need occasional updates or perform low-volume data retrieval, traditional HTTP-based APIs can be more practical. These APIs provide a simpler approach, as they don’t require maintaining an open connection, making them easier to manage for low-stakes or less time-sensitive operations. Using WebSockets in crypto for such tasks could lead to higher resource consumption and more development effort than needed.

4. Server-Side Complexity

Implementing WebSockets in crypto isn’t just a challenge on the client side; the server also requires careful management. Supporting a large number of concurrent WebSocket connections requires significant server resources. For instance, keeping thousands of connections open at once can strain server memory and CPU if not properly managed. This can result in bottlenecks, slower response times, or even crashes if the infrastructure isn’t designed to handle the load. Additionally, load balancing and failover mechanisms become more complex with WebSockets because the connection state needs to be maintained across servers. You must ensure that your server setup is capable of handling the increased demands of persistent connections, which can require more investment in both infrastructure and expertise.

Common Websocket APIs in Crypto

Common Websocket APIs in Crypto

As you dive deeper into WebSockets in crypto, you’ll encounter several major players that have built robust WebSocket APIs to meet the growing demand for real-time data streaming. Each of these platforms offers unique features that are relevant to different aspects of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Let us walk you through some of the most popular WebSockets in crypto so you can get a feel for what each one brings to the table.

1. Bitquery WebSocket

Bitquery’s WebSocket API is all about making blockchain data accessible and easy to work with. If you’re looking to track detailed blockchain events or transactions across multiple blockchains, Bitquery is your go-to. Their WebSocket API gives you real-time access to decentralized data. This allows you to stay up-to-date with what’s happening on various blockchain networks. Bitquery’s Websocket API provides a comprehensive data feed whether you want to monitor token transfers, track smart contract interactions, or check wallet balances, 

Key Features:

  • It provides real-time blockchain data across multiple blockchains.
  • It grants access to token transfers and smart contract interactions.
  • You get detailed wallet balance tracking and transaction monitoring.
  • It also offers support for decentralized finance (DeFi) data streams.

2. Binance WebSocket API

The Binance WebSocket API is one of the most widely used in the crypto space, especially for traders. Binance offers real-time market data and updates that allow you to receive price changes, order book updates, and trade executions as they happen. For traders who need to react quickly to market movements, the Binance WebSocket API provides the speed and precision you need. With the WebSocket, you can also subscribe to specific streams like price tickers, aggregated trades, and candlestick data.

Key Features:

  • It provides real-time price and market updates.
  • It also provides depth streams for order book data.
  • You get trade execution notifications.
  • The Websocket also allows for subscriptions to specific symbols and markets.
  • Finally, it offers customizable streams like candlestick data (OHLC).

3. Alchemy WebSocket API

Alchemy’s WebSocket API focuses on blockchain infrastructure, particularly Ethereum and its related networks. Alchemy powers many decentralized applications (dApps) by providing real-time blockchain data. With Alchemy’s WebSocket API, you get access to a wide range of Ethereum events, such as transaction receipts, block confirmations, and contract events. Alchemy’s WebSockets are optimized for high reliability, ensuring that dApps and other decentralized services can trust the data they’re receiving.

Key Features:

  • Provision of real-time Ethereum network data.
  • Support for contract events and transaction receipts.
  • High reliability and low latency that is essential for dApps.
  • Scalable infrastructure for large applications.

4. Kraken WebSocket API

The Kraken WebSocket API is another powerhouse for crypto trading that offers fast and reliable data streams for various markets. With Kraken’s WebSocket API, you can get updates on trading pairs, price tickers, and market depth, as well as subscribe to public or private streams. If you’re interested in executing trades or monitoring market liquidity, Kraken’s API gives you the real-time data you need to stay on top of your strategy. Kraken also offers private data streams for order execution and account balance tracking.

Key Features:

  • It offers public streams for market data, price tickers, and trading pairs.
  • It also provides real-time updates on order books and trades.
  • There is a provision for private streams for order execution and balance tracking.
  • Data transmission on Kraken Websocket is secure and reliable.

5. CoinMarketCap WebSocket API

CoinMarketCap’s WebSocket API focuses on providing comprehensive market data across thousands of cryptocurrencies. It’s ideal if you need to track prices, volume, or market capitalization in real time for multiple assets. CoinMarketCap aggregates data from numerous exchanges, giving you a global view of the crypto market. Their WebSocket API allows you to subscribe to various data streams, including real-time price updates and exchange-specific data feeds. This makes it perfect for anyone needing a wide market perspective.

Key Features:

  • Real-time global market data for thousands of cryptocurrencies.
  • Aggregated price, volume, and market capitalization information.
  • Exchange-specific data feeds for accurate trading insights.
  • Customizable streams for tailored market analysis.

6. Coinbase WebSocket API

Coinbase offers a highly trusted WebSocket API that provides real-time market data, particularly suited for trading or building applications on its platform. You can subscribe to channels that provide updates on price movements, order books, and trades for various crypto pairs. Coinbase’s WebSocket API is known for its simplicity and reliability, making it a great choice whether you’re actively trading or developing applications that need market data feeds. It also provides low-latency, real-time streams that keep you connected to the market at all times.

Key Features:

  • It provides real-time price and market data for crypto trading pairs.
  • It offers order book updates with depth and liquidity information.
  • The API gives trade notifications for executed transactions.
  • There are low-latency and high-reliability streams for active traders.

Every one of these Websockets comes with distinct benefits based on what you’re aiming to achieve. Whether you’re developing an application, engaging in active trading, or just keeping an eye on the market, these APIs deliver real-time data streams to help you stay competitive. The key is selecting the WebSocket that best aligns with your requirements and leveraging the potential of real-time crypto data.


Timing is everything in crypto, and WebSockets have continued to revolutionize the way we interact with real-time data. From tracking live market prices and order books to setting up notifications and scaling applications, WebSockets offer a more efficient, responsive, and scalable solution than traditional APIs.

Whether you’re building a crypto trading bot, monitoring market movements, or simply staying on top of your portfolio, WebSockets provide the real-time data you need to stay competitive. You can be sure that you’re always working with the most up-to-date information when you establish a persistent connection between your client and the server. This provides you with the edge you need in the fast-moving crypto space.

Next time you think about retrieving data from an exchange, remember that WebSockets are your ticket to real-time streaming. They’re efficient, scalable, and a vital tool in navigating the dynamic, 24/7 crypto market.

Vezgo: The Crypto API

Vezgo stands out as a top-tier solution for developers seeking a powerful, easy-to-integrate API to manage digital assets. It allows you to effortlessly track your users’ Web3 crypto portfolios, covering everything from centralized exchanges (CEX) and decentralized finance (DeFi) to NFTs. By automating data collection, Vezgo ensures users always have an up-to-date view of their balances, tokens, positions, and transactions, simplifying portfolio management. The API’s ability to consolidate data from multiple sources into one unified dashboard makes it an invaluable tool for streamlined crypto management, providing real-time updates and accurate reporting. Unlike Trezor, which focuses on hardware wallet functionality, Vezgo excels in portfolio aggregation and cross-platform integration.

Moreover, Vezgo offers exceptional support for NFT data by retrieving detailed metadata from various blockchains. Developers can integrate real-time data on NFTs, including ownership, transfers, and price trends, making Vezgo an ideal choice for building NFT marketplaces, portfolio trackers, or analytics tools. The platform’s comprehensive NFT tracking features provide users with deep insights into their digital collectibles.

When it comes to privacy and security, Vezgo prioritizes the protection of users’ data. The API links financial information only to anonymous UUIDs, and no Vezgo staff can access private data without explicit permission. This strong commitment to privacy allows users to confidently manage their digital assets in a secure environment.

Vezgo also offers flexible and affordable pricing, including a Free-to-Try option and a Light Usage plan at just $99 per month. For those who need more than 25 active connections but don’t require transaction data, the Light Usage plan is a cost-effective alternative to the $500 per month Launch and Scale plan, which includes transaction data. By opting for Vezgo, developers gain access to a scalable, efficient solution for comprehensive crypto portfolio tracking and enhanced privacy features.


A: WebSockets in blockchain offer a dynamic way to access real-time data, revolutionizing how developers and users interact with decentralized networks. By establishing a persistent connection between the client and server, WebSockets enable immediate data transmission, allowing you to receive updates on transactions, block confirmations, and smart contract events as they happen. This instant access is crucial in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies, where timing can significantly impact trading decisions and user experience. With WebSockets, you can create applications that respond instantly to blockchain activity, making it easier to track changes and engage with the evolving landscape of digital assets.
A: WebSockets absolutely support streaming, and that’s what makes them so powerful in real-time applications like crypto. When you use WebSockets, you establish a continuous connection between a client and a server, allowing data to flow instantly and bi-directionally. Unlike traditional HTTP requests, where you have to make multiple calls for updates, WebSockets stream data as soon as it becomes available. This live connection is what fuels the fast, uninterrupted data flow you see in things like crypto price updates, order book changes, and market notifications—keeping everything responsive and up to the second.
A: When it comes to using WebSockets with Binance, there are some important limits to keep in mind. Each single connection can listen to a maximum of 1,024 streams, which offers plenty of flexibility for tracking various market updates and trading pairs. However, Binance also imposes a limit of 300 connections per IP every five minutes. This means if you need to monitor multiple assets or data streams, you’ll need to plan your connections wisely to stay within these boundaries. Understanding these limits helps you optimize your trading strategy and ensures you get the most out of Binance’s real-time data capabilities.

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