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Get Started

This guide will explain how to get API keys and start testing with Vezgo’s pre-built Connect Flow. Follow the steps below to get started.

Sign-up for API Keys

Go to Vezgo’s Portal and create an account.

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Following these steps will automatically create your app, and take you to your portal. You now have access to your unique Client ID and Client Secret. Important: Your Client Secret is only available at this time. Please make a note of it and keep it in a safe place.

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The free version of the API includes 5 connections which includes accounts, balances and limited number of transactions. For access to webhooks and other features, you need a full access key, that can be activated in our portal. See our Pricing page for more details. Book a meeting if you need any help or have any questions: Book a meeting

Quickstart example

The best way to get started with Vezgo API is via the Vezgo JS SDKs (Frontend and Backend). You can take a look at the Vezgo Example project or follow the steps below:

1. Import the SDK

You can import the distribution build directly in your webpage:

<!-- Import the specific version -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Or import the latest version (may contain breaking changes) -->

<script src=""></script>

Or install and import it in a JS build system / NodeJS.

The same package is used for both frontend (web, mobile or desktop app) and backend (NodeJS).

npm install --save vezgo-sdk-js
// commonjs
const Vezgo = require('vezgo-sdk-js');

// esX
import Vezgo from 'vezgo-sdk-js';

// React Native
import Vezgo from 'vezgo-sdk-js/dist/vezgo.es5';

2. Initialize the vezgo instance

A vezgo instance is initialized using your Client ID and Client Secret in the backend, or only Client ID in the frontend.

const vezgo = Vezgo.init({
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
const vezgo = Vezgo.init({
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
// optional parameters for authenticating the vezgo frontend instance with your server.
// See Authentication section for a more detailed explanation.
authEndpoint: '/vezgo/auth', // default value, need to accept POST
auth: {
params: { userId: 'LOGGED_IN_USER_ID' }, // custom params for authEndpoint
headers: {}, // custom headers for authEndpoint

Log in a user to create a user instance if you want to request user data.

const user = vezgo.login('USERNAME');
// No need to pass username because it's assumed that the `authEndpoint`
// implementation on your backend server should already know that from
// your authenticated user.
const user = vezgo.login();

3. Connect a user, or request for data.

Start the Connect process for users to connect their institutions, or call the SDK helper methods to request data.

// Get general Vezgo data
const providers = await vezgo.providers.getList();

// Get user data via the `user` instance
const account = await user.accounts.getOne('ACCOUNT_ID');
// Get general Vezgo data
const providers = await vezgo.providers.getList();

// Start the Connect process when user clicks the Connect button
document.getElementById('#connect').addEventListener('click', () => {
user.connect().onConnection(async accountId => {
const account = await user.accounts.getOne(accountId);
}, false);

Data Structure

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