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Connect a user

The Vezgo Connect process allows users to connect their exchange accounts or wallet addresses to your application. There are different ways to start the process and receive the connection result.

The easiest way to do that is using the Vezgo JS SDK to open the drop-in Vezgo Connect widget right inside your web application, and receive the result via JS callbacks.

Or you can use an oAuth process where you redirect users to the Vezgo Connect URL to connect their account, and have them redirected back to your application with the result. This oAuth process can be used in web, mobile or desktop applications.

Via drop-in Connect widget

document.getElementById('#connect').addEventListener('click', () => {
user.connect().onConnection(accountId => {
// Send the account id to your server
sendToServer('/some-route', accountId);
// Request account data to display in the page
const account = await user.accounts.getOne(accountId);
}, false);

Start the connect process by calling user.connect() from your web application. It will open the Vezgo Connect widget inside the page, and let the user select the exchange / wallet they want to connect.

For how to customize the widget, see /customize-connect-widget

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Receive via callbacks

user.connect().onConnection(async accountId => {
console.log('account connection success:', accountId)
}).onError(error => {
console.error('account connection error:', error)
}).onEvent((name, data) => {
console.log('event:', name, data);

The drop-in Connect Widget sends data to the Vezgo Frontend SDK via 3 callbacks:

  • onConnection(accountId)
  • onError(error)
  • onEvent(name, data)


The onConnection() callback listens for successful connection from the Connect Widget. After user successfully connects their account, the Widget is automatically closed and the callback is called with an accountId that belongs to a newly-created Vezgo account. This Vezgo account is kept in sync with the user's connected exchange account / wallet.

It is recommended that you store this accountId in your database for future updates.


The onError() callback listens for errors from the Connect Widget. During the process, if there is an error or if user clicks the close (X) button, the Widget is closed and the callback is called with an error object.

error object attributes

error_typeThe error code, e.g. 400.
messageThe error message.
accountThe account ID if it has been created.

onEvent(name, data)

The onEvent() callback listens for events from the Connect Widget during the connection process. There are multiple events corresponding with the multiple steps of the connection process that keep your web application notified of the process inside the Widget so it can act accordingly.

Supported events

APP_LOADED{}The Widget is ready (fully loaded and waiting for user actions).
TERMS_AND_POLICY_ACCEPTED{}User has accepted Vezgo terms and policy.
CLOSE{}The Widget has been closed automatically. Directly followed by onConnection() or onError().
FORCE_CLOSE{}The Widget has been closed by the user. Directly followed by onError().
PROVIDER_SEARCH{ query }User has searched for a provider in the provider selection screen.
query contains the search string which the user typed in.
PROVIDER_SELECTED{ provider }User has selected a provider.
provider is the Provider object.
SUBMIT_CREDENTIALS{}User has submitted their credentials for the exchange/wallet. User credentials are secured and won't be available to the SDK.
SUBMIT_ANSWER{}User has submitted their answer to security question.
START_OAUTH{}User started oAuth flow.
RETURNED_FROM_OAUTH{}User returned to Vezgo from third party oAuth service.
OPEN_METAMASK{}User opened MetaMask.
OPEN_WALLET_CONNECT{}User opened Wallet Connect.
OPEN_LEDGER{}User opened Ledger.
OPEN_TREZOR_CONNECT{}User opened Trezor Connect.

Preselect a provider

document.getElementById('#connect_bitcoin').addEventListener('click', () => {
user.connect({ provider: 'bitcoin' }).onConnection(accountId => {
console.log('bitcoin connection success:', accountId)
}, false);

By default .connect() will open the Vezgo providers list for user to select from. Alternately you can pass in a provider name to skip the selection step so that Vezgo Connect widget go straight to the provider credentials form.

NOTE: Pass in the provider name that you get from the Provider object, not display_name.

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Reconnect an account

When an account's credentials expire or are revoked, Vezgo will no longer be able to synchronize its data from the provider. The account is put in a 'disconnected' state and will need to be reconnected.

To allow a user to reconnect a disconnected account, call user.reconnect(accountId) from your web application. It will open the Vezgo Connect widget inside the page, and let the user reconnect the account. The process is almost identical to connecting a new account, except that at the end of the process it would update the existing account instead of creating a new one.

Connect Multiple Wallets

You can enable the ability to connect multiple wallets and multiple networks for the wallet address in one take inside one flow. This is useful for users who have multiple wallets or use multiple networks for the same wallet (e.g. Ethereum, BNB, Polygon...).

multiWallet: true,
// additional options
}).onConnection((result) => {
// overall status message

// list of connected or failed accounts will be returned in multiWallet mode (acc, key) => {
console.log(acc.account, acc.message, acc.wallet,;

// send the account to your server one by one or handle the error if account is not provided
if(acc.account) {
await sendToServer('/some-route', acc);
} else {

Multi account connection example:

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Via Connect URL

Another way to connect an user is via the Vezgo Connect URL directly. You can load the Vezgo Connect URL using your own method (redirect from the current page or open in a new window, or inside a mobile WebView...).

You can customize various aspects of the Vezgo Connect process via the url params. A standard Vezgo Connect URL looks something like this:


Form Data (x-www-form-urlencoded):

Or with preselected provider:


Form Data (x-www-form-urlencoded):

To reconnect account:


Form Data (x-www-form-urlencoded):

The same Connect URL is loaded in the iframe when you connect via the drop-in Connect Widget using the JS SDK. The SDK just automatically encapsulates all handling logic in an easy-to-use interface to save you time.

Connect URL parameters

client_idYesYour team's Client ID.
tokenYesThe user token. See Authentication to see how to get the token.
redirect_uriNoThe URI to redirect to after the process is finished. This must match one of your team's registered Redirect URIs. More on this here.
originNoThe URL origin that triggers the process (e.g. https://some.domain). This is used mostly for when the Vezgo Connect is loaded inside an iframe, so it can pass data back to the parent page at the specified origin.
langNoThe content language. Currently only en, es, fr and it are accepted.
stateNoAn opaque string containing your application state, to maintain application state between redirects (in the oAuth process).
provider_categoriesNoShow providers only from selected categories.
Available options: exchanges,blockchains,wallets.
providersNoLimit the list of providers available for selection.
Example: binance,coinbase,ethereum.
themeNoVezgo Connect widget theme. Available options: light, dark. Default: light.
providers_per_lineNoThe number of providers displayed per line on the select provider screen. Available options: 1, 2.
Default: 2.
sync_nftsNoShow "Sync NFTs" checkbox. Available for proviers which support "sync_nft" feature and also if "sync_nft" feature enabled for the team (depends on plan). Boolean.
Default: false.
multi_walletNoEnable ability to connect multiple wallets and multiple networks for the wallet address in one take inside one flow. Boolean.
Default: false.

Receive via URL params

The connection result is returned in the URL params at the end of the process. If you open the Connect URL inside an iframe, popup, or mobile WebView, you can expect the process to redirect to this URL when connection is successful:

And to this URL when connection failed or is interrupted:

Custom Redirect URI

You can pass in the Vezgo Connect URL a custom redirect_uri so that it redirects to this uri at the end of the process.

For example, load the following Vezgo Connect URL:


Form Data (x-www-form-urlencoded):

After user finishes connecting an account, it will redirect to:


Or if the connection failed or user closes the process, it will redirect to:

After user finishes connecting an account, it will redirect to:


In both cases, your page at https://myapp.test/crypto can look at the URL params and proceed accordingly. Optionally if you passed in a state, you will receive it back here to restore your application to the same state before the connection.

The Redirect URI must be registered first before it can be used. You can register multiple Redirect URIs for your team (for your development, staging or production urls). Contact us if you need to register your Redirect URIs.

All redirection URL params

accountStringBothThe Vezgo account id corresponding to the newly-connected exchange account / wallet.
Note that it's returned on Failure ONLY if it has been created before the error happens.
codeStringSuccessIn default mode same as account for oAuth compliance. In multi_wallet it mode returns object with connection details. Ex. { message: 'MESSAGE', accounts: [{account: 'ACCOUNT_ID', wallet: 'WALLET_NAME', network: 'NETWORK_NAME'}] }
error_typeNumberFailureThe connection error code.
messageStringFailureThe connection error message.
forceBooleanFailuretrue means the process was explicitly closed by user.
stateStringBothThe application state passed to the Vezgo Connect URL at the start of the process (if available).

Via Direct API (advanced)

It's possible to implement your own Connect UI using the Vezgo Accounts API. But the process is complicated and thus not recommended. Only supported in certain Vezgo subscription plans.

Connect new account

  1. POST /accounts with the credentials. If everything is valid, Vezgo should return 202 Accepted with the account object. A new interactive sync should start and account.status should be syncing at this point.

  2. GET /accounts/:id/poll?v={account.v} to poll for an update and act according to account.status

    • syncing: the account is still syncing but there has been some progress. If account.authorized is true, this means the sync has gotten past the login/authentication process, and is fetching new data. Your application may choose to stop polling at this point if you don't need to show the balances to your user right away.
    • ok: The sync has been successful.
    • error: There's been an error with the authentication process, usually because of invalid credentials or a verification step. You should see "status": "error", "": "LoginFailedError|SecurityQuestionError" in the account object.
      • LoginFailedError: Invalid credentials. In this case you would need to update the credentials by calling PUT /accounts/:id with the new credentials. Similar to 1), you would receive a 202 Accepted status and "status": "syncing". Then go back to polling.
      • SecurityQuestionError: Verification is required (mostly for exchanges with username/password authentication). There should be a security question or 2FA request inside account.error. The question would be in account.error.message, e.g. "error.message": "Your one-time security code will be sent to number ending with XXX". Your application would send the answer (verification code in this case) by calling PUT /accounts/:id with { "security_answer": "thecode" } in the request body. Then go back to polling. If you wait too long to send the answer, then the answer or the interactive session might expire and you will need to start over by triggering a new sync.
    • retry: there has been an unexpected problem and the sync has been rescheduled in the next hour. It's advised to report to us the account id so we can investigate the problem. This usually happens when we are unable to connect to the exchange or the data service.
    • If a 404 is returned, it means the credentials is invalid and the account has been automatically deleted from the Vezgo side. This is equivalent to LoginFailedError but should happen only for new connections that have never synced, to minimize the number of abandoned connections. In this case, go back to 1) to create a new connection.

Each poll takes up to 30 seconds to return the latest account object if there is an update. Otherwise, it would return 304 and your application is expected to poll again until there is a new account.status. It might take from seconds to a couple of minutes to return a new status depending on the provider and the account. If it takes too long to get a new account.status , there's a chance there was an error, in which case the application should stop polling.


The polling process should be similar for when you connect a new account, sync or fix an existing connection

Reconnect/fix a connection

Sometimes a connection might fail to sync because of changed/revoked credentials or 2FA verifications. In that case, when you fetch the connection by doing GET /accounts/:id, you should see "status": "error" and the error type inside


  1. Update the credentials by calling PUT /accounts/:id with the new credentials. A 202 Accepted should be returned and a new interactive sync should start. It's advised to have this triggered by the user, so they are around to handle any 2FA verification if needed.
  2. Poll for update and act accordingly.


You might see the question under account.error.message and be tempted to send an answer. However most of the time when you see this error, the 2FA session has already expired. You can confirm that by checking to see the date when the error was returned. If it's past 5 minutes since the error was set, then it's likely the session has expired. Some providers have even shorter 2FA sessions (under 60s).

Even if it looks like the session is still active, it might not be possible to send an answer because the sync was likely started in non-interactive mode (i.e. daily syncs). So most of the time you would need to first trigger a new interactive sync:

  1. Call POST /accounts/:id/sync with { force: true, interactive: true } in the POST body.

    • Passing interactive enables interactive mode, which means the sync would accept 2FA answers. It's advised to have this triggered by the user, so they are around to handle any 2FA verification if needed.
    • Passing force allows starting a new sync even though an existing sync is already in progress.
  2. Poll for update and act accordingly. If you get a new SecurityQuestionError, send the answer and poll again.

Sync a connection

  1. Trigger a sync by calling POST /accounts/:id/sync with { interactive: true } in the POST body.

    • Passing interactive enables interactive mode, which means the sync would accept 2FA answers. It's advised to have this triggered by the user, so they are around to handle any 2FA verification if needed.
  2. Poll for update and act accordingly.

Connecting with oAuth providers

OAuth providers (e.g. Coinbase) require a specific workflow to connect. Some important notes:

  1. The oAuth process must be opened as Vezgo (using the oAuth Client Id provided under provider.client_id).
  2. At the end of the process, the oAuth result (code or errors) is always returned to the Vezgo OAuth Redirection service at This redirection service will take care of returning the oAuth result back to your app. You will need to register your Redirect URI prior to the integration.

Detailed integration instructions

The process must be initiated for providers with "auth_type": "oauth" (from the /providers endpoint). The information needed to initiate the process is provided in the provider data, for example:

"name": "Coinbase",
"auth_type": "oauth",
"client_id": "theclientid",
"authorize_url": "",
"available_scopes": [{ "name": "wallet:user:read", ... }]

Upon registering your Redirect URI with Vezgo, you will be provided a sub string corresponding with the Redirect URI. You can register multilple Redirect URIs (for dev, staging and production environments), each with its own sub. For example:

// STEP 1: Build oAuth URL

const OAUTH_SUB = 'myappdev';

// If you have different receiving paths for different flows (e.g. connect vs reconnect), you can
// provide a path. It will be concatenated with your registered URI.
// E.g.,
const OAUTH_PATH = '/connect';

// Prepare oAuth state.
// The Vezgo OAuth Redirection service will redirect based on your `sub` and (optional) `path`.
// You can also pass your client state info here.
const oAuthState = {
const state = encodeBase64(oAuthState);

// Build the oAuth Authorize URL
const url = new URL(provider.authorize_url);
url.searchParams.append("client_id", provider.client_id);
url.searchParams.append("response_type", "code");
url.searchParams.append("state", state);
url.searchParams.append("redirect_uri", OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI);
if (provider.available_scopes) url.searchParams.append("scope", =>" "));

// STEP 2: Start the oAuth process
// User will be presented with the provider's oAuth page (Coinbase in this example).
// E.g.

// STEP 3: Handling oAuth result
// After user completes the process, the oAuth result will be passed to your Redirect URI.
// E.g.

// Your app will then be responsible to send the code to the Vezgo API. Either:

// Send a POST to `/accounts` endpoint to create a new connection
name: "Coinbase",
provider: "coinbase",
credentials: {
code: 'somecode'

// Or send a PUT to `/accounts/:id` to update the existing connection
id: 'existingconnectionid',
credentials: {
code: 'somecode'